Flu Season 2024
NEHC have phones open from 9am to 4pm.
We also suggest joining Manage My Health to ask for repeat scripts and lab results..
If you have any cold or flu symptoms please inform the receptionist when booking your appointment, stay in your car and phone reception when you arrive: (09) 4351674.
For medical advice outside clinic hours please call Healthline: 0800611116
To see a doctor outside clinic hours please go to Whitecross or the Emergency Department at the hospital.
Flu checklist
Do you have a sore throat?
Do you have a fever?
Do you have a cough?
Do you have a runny nose?
Do you have shortness of breath?
If you have replied yes to any of these question you will require a mask and isolation.
STAY IN YOUR CAR and call us (09) 435 1674
Patients can start booking their flu vaccinations after 1 April.
Northland Environmental Health Clinic
General info
General Practice : 2 Dip Road, Kamo, Whangarei
Integrative Medicine: 2 Dip Road, Kamo, Whangarei
Phone: 09 – 435 1674 Email: reception@nehc.co.nz
Integrative/Dr Wojcik: admin@nehc.co.nz
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 8.30am-5pm.
Phone lines operate from 9am-4pm.
After hours at Whitecross, Reyburn Street, phone 09 470 1083 and Hospital ED 09 430 4100.
For all emergencies please phone 111 for ambulance service.
Integrative Medicine looks at your whole health and combines the best of General Practice with integrative health treatments.
We offer a variety of specialised, evidence based health services to address the needs of the whole person.
- Closed Thur 6 Feb Waitangi Day
- Please go to Whitecross or A&E in an emergency
General Practice at 2 Dip Rd Kamo:
- General practice doctors appointments including phone consults.
- Nurse appointments (BP, vaccines etc.)
- IV therapies & Ozone Mon, Tue, Thur
- No clinic on Wed or Friday
- Introducing new practitioners in Rongoā Māori and Prolotherapy.

Intravenous Vitamin C
We offer Intravenous Vitamin C for numerous conditions such as:
(i) Potentially serious or debilitating viral infections including Flu, glandular fever, Dengue Fever, Ross River Virus, and Shingles (Herpes Zoster).
(ii) During metal detoxification, and safe dental amalgam removal.
(iii) As an adjunctive therapy for patients with cancer.
(iv) Pre-operatively to improve recovery and reduce pain

Metal toxicity and chelation
We specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic metal toxicity (poisoning), particularly from lead and mercury. Metal Detoxification is undertaken with EDTA, DMSA, and DMPS.
We offer Intravenous Magnesium EDTA therapy (“Chelation Therapy”) for the treatment of cerebrovascular, coronary, and peripheral vascular disease.
Please be advised that we are not currently enrolling new patients.
Dr Wojcik is however available for new complex cases.
If you would like to become a patient at our clinic, please contact us on: 09 435 1674
Enrolment entails a new patient appointment with one of the doctors followed by filling out the enrolment form with your details.
If you are not a NZ resident you will need your passport and visa details to register.