Integrative Medicine
Integrative medicine is a philosophy of healthcare with a focus on individual patient care and combining the best of conventional western medicine and evidence- based complementary medicine and therapies within current mainstream medical practice.
Integrative medicine reaffirms the importance of the relationship between the practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, health care professionals and disciplines to achieve optimal health and healing.
It takes into account the physical, psychological, social and spiritual wellbeing of the person with the aim of using the most appropriate, safe and evidence-based treatments available.
Dr Damian Wojcik
Complex Consultations:
Complex/cancer consults with Dr Wojcik take 1-2 hrs including diagnosis, treatment plan, appropriate tests, referrals, and notes forwarded to your own doctor. The usual cost is $350 but please confirm at time of booking.
Intravenous Therapies
- Intravenous Vitamin C
- IVC is available at NEHC for both registered and casual patients.
It may help with fatigue, recurrent infection, viral illnesses like flu, glandular fever and meningitis, wounds, cancer and pre/post operatively for surgery or dental amalgam removal.
For more information on its uses please read the information provided under information & articles tab. You may also like to have a chat to the nurse.
All you will need is a 30min consultation with a doctor to check your veins and medical history and a blood test for kidney function.
The cost for a standard 25g vitamin C infusion is $210. - IV Metal Detoxification (chelation therapy)
Metal detoxification including EDTA chelation therapy is available to help with vascular and coronary artery diseases, heart conditions, diabetes complications (especially circulation) and chronic heavy metal poisoning such as with lead and mercury. Please speak with a nurse or Dr Wojcik if you are wanting to discuss having chelation therapy. Each infusion costs $180.
Vitamin B-complex / iron/ hydration/ and aclasta infusions are available also.
Bio-identical Hormone Treatment
Our doctors prescribe bio-identical hormones for thyroid, menopause, sleep, adrenal fatigue and other conditions. The hormones are supplied by Compound Labs (previously Pharmaceutical Compounding NZ) who tailor make prescriptions to suit each individual.
Hair Tests and Urine Provocation Tests
These are useful tools in measuring the minerals in your body some of which are necessary for good health such as magnesium and calcium and some of which are toxic such as mercury and lead.
Integrative Doctors & Dentists in Australia and New Zealand
In Australia and New Zealand there is a wonderful organisation of medical professionals who practice integrative medicine. It’s known as AIMA (Australasian Integrative Medicine Association).
Dr Wayne McCarthy ND Prolotherapy & Ozone Therapy
Address: 6 Nova Scotia Drive, Waipu 0510 Phone: 09 432 0854 Email:
- Prevents and eliminates autoimmune diseases
- Prevents and treats communicable diseases
- Prevents and reverses degenerative diseases
- Ligaments hold joints firmly in place, ensuring correct alignment during movement.
- Tendons attach muscles to bones, facilitating movement.
- Tearing of ligaments and tendons from bones leads to sloppy joint movement and pain.
Once repaired non-surgically with prolotherapy, muscles can then strengthen around the joint.
This collagen-strengthening technique is effective for both old and new joint injuries.
Click here for the AIMA website in Australia
Click here for the AIMA website in New Zealand
Click here to search for a practitioner in Australia (ACNEM)
Click here to search for a practitioner in New Zealand (ACNEM)
Other Practitioners
Josephine MacGillivray: Naturopath and Rongoa Practitioner, ring Taonga Hauora Kamo Bookings 021 088 45573.
Sophie Herbrecht: Ozone Therapy, NEHC, Kamo Mobile: 027 291 2848 for bookings.
Cristina Robles: Ozone & Prolotherapy. Ozone Therapist. Mob: 021 464 300.
Kiri Neumann/Now and Zen: Therapeutic massage, skincare, doTerra wellness advocate, and ENJO chemical free cleaning consultant.
Read more Ph: 021 366 827 E:
Jacques Imbeau: Integrative Dental and Natural Health Centre Ph: 64 9 440 9585 Rosedale North Shore Auckland
Main interests: holistic/integrative dental and natural medicine, nutritional medicine, mind-body health, lifestyle modification, kinesiology, homeopathy, herbal medicine, environmental medicine, bioenergetics, bone health.
Does not treat: patients unwilling to take responsibility for their own health