
Winter Ills Trio

Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Immune health together are an excellent way to keep the winter ills at bay.

Neolife Vitamin A

Vitamin A supports healthy vision, bones, and skin, and acts as a natural antioxidant. NeoLife’s Vitamin A offers a water-miscible formula from one of nature’s finest sources of vitamin A: pure liver oil from pollack (a species of cod) that contains essentially no vitamin D.

Clinicians Hi-Dose Vit C

Clinicians Hi-Dose Vit C has been designed to support the body’s defenses against winter ills and chills. Vitamin C may be depleted from the body during immune, physical and emotional stress, so more needs to be consumed at these times.

Modere Immune Health

Supports respiratory health-breathe a sigh of relief
Helps maintain the immune system during the winter season
Supports circulatory health
Provides antioxidant protection
Contains echinacea,panax ginseng, rosemary, hyssop,thyme, irish moss, hawthorn, mullein.

Cancer support Trio

Arteminisin, Salvastrol and Lypo-spheric Vitamin C support the body during cancer treatments.

Artemisinin Solo

Because cancer cells multiply so rapidly, they need more iron than normal cells to replicate DNA. Artemisinin reacts with the iron inside the cell, spawning highly reactive chemicals called “free radicals.”
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Salvacare Salvestrol

Salvestrols are manufactured by plants. They become activated inside human cancer cells by an enzyme, CYP1B1 (pronounced sip one bee one). They can then cause the cancer cells to stop growing or die.

LivOn Lypo-spheric Vitamin C

Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C encapsulates the C molecules in liposomes made from Essential Phospholipids, which protect the C from destruction by your digestive juices. Within minutes of taking Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C, liposomes filled with Vitamin C are transported directly into the bloodstream, and into the cells

Other products

CAA - Multi

CAA – Multi is specially formulated by New Zealanders, for New Zealanders. It contains all the minerals known to be lacking in our soil as well as important vitamins and antioxidants that are missing from our food and diet.
It allows your body to heal itself of numerous health problems by providing all the minerals and vitamins it needs.
CAA – Multi contains the correct balance of the finest quality minerals and vitamins for optimum health and will supply you with half your recommended daily intake (assuming a normal diet).
It is your daily insurance to make sure you have all the minerals and vitamins needed to maintain a healthy life.

CAA-Multi is GMO free, soy and gluten free.

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CoQ10-Omega3 combines both omega-3 fish oil and CoQ10. CoQ10, is a powerful antioxidant that also acts as a natural preservative of the freshness of the omega-3 in the fish oil.
Scientific research and health commentators are suggesting that we need more CoQ10 and more omega-3. So we have increased the amount of naturally fermented CoQ10 from 50mg per capsule up to 75mg and replaced the Salmon oil with top quality UK sourced concentrated fish oil, resulting in 100% more omega-3.

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Immune support

Immune Support contains four powerful herbs and two powerful supplements.
Immune Support contains four powerful herbs and two powerful supplements.

  • Astragalus – Has been used medicinally for over 2000 years for a broad range of conditions with a particular focus on immunity and stress.
  • Echinacea – supports the immune system and the body’s defences.
  • Olive Leaf – contains compounds that have demonstrated potent immune supporting and antioxidant properties.
  • Garlic – a UK trial showed that people who received a garlic supplement were less likely to get ills and chills and recovered faster if they did.
  • Vitamin C and Zinc – have both been proven to support recovery.

Take as soon as you feel a chill coming on or can be taken regularly as a preventative measure.

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DHEA 7-Keto

What is DHEA?
DHEA is a natural ‘feel alive’ hormone, made by glands in your body. It is the most abundant hormone in your body in your youth.
DHEA peaks around age 25 and then steadily declines, more rapidly after age 35 in both men and women. As it declines, so does your youthful vigour, mental focus and clarity of mind.
Pure DHEA can now be made from a natural plant extract
A natural extract from the Mexican Yam plant can be modified to produce an exact copy of natural DHEA. However pure DHEA, when taken in excess, can raise sex hormone levels.

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Complete C tablets

Complete C Tablets – These tangy orange flavoured tablets contain three different forms of 100% absorbable vitamin C, each designed to complement the others and avoid stomach irritation.
Vitamin C helps keep your skin collagen youthful. It supports mental alertness, makes bones stronger and is necessary to expel harmful toxins from your body.
Complete C Tablets also contain six powerful antioxidants and bioflavonoids, all proven excellent for maintaining health and alkalising your body.
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Vitamin D3

California Gold Nutrition® Vitamin D3, 125 mcg (5,000 IU) is a high-potency vitamin D supplement and contains cholecalciferol in fish gelatin softgels.

  • Featuring Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)
  • Supports Healthy Bones and Teeth* 
  • Supports Healthy Immune System Function*